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From Our Heart to Yours:
The Humanitarian Crisis in Gaza


Dearest Community, 

We hope this message finds you well amidst these challenging times. After a hiatus of several months, we have returned to bring you exciting news - our podcast has undergone a rebranding. We're evolving our identity to better reflect our mission and values, aiming to foster deeper connections and discussions within our community. Our vision is She’s Thinking Co., a podcast, blog, and lifestyle platform that brings together our commitment to make education about issues at the interface of science, policy, and society accessible to all. 


As we worked tirelessly to develop She’s Thinking in the past months, we witnessed and continue to witness the loss of innocent life in both Palestine and Israel, and the terrifying massacre of Palestinian civilians. When the humanity and moral integrity of two million innocent Palestinians is reduced to the violent and egregious actions of a minority, it contributed to their dehumanization in the public narrative, fortified their continued oppression and, as we speak, allows global leaders to continue justifying their collective punishment and genocide.  


The genocide we are witnessing is only an escalated and amplified form of the same aggression that has been inflicted on Palestinians for the past 75 years under apartheid, even before Hamas existed.


In alignment with our values of critical reasoning, it is vital to acknowledge that recognizing the genocide and oppression inflicted by the Israeli government does not imply, justify, nor encourage harm or hatred to Jewish and/or Israeli people. Both anti-Semitism and Islamophobia alike are condemned at She’s Thinking, and they do not contribute to the tolerance and intellectual maturity with which these conversations must be led. 


Importantly, it is also vital that we recognize these events did not happen in a vacuum and the broader context of Palestinian oppression by the Israeli government’s apartheid rule cannot be ignored.


For the last 75 years, the Palestinian people have lost thousands of their innocent loved ones, and have been forced from their homes to make way for Israeli settlements in the continued Nakba of 1948. Displaced Palestinians that settled in Gaza continue to endure a 15-year-long inhumane siege and blockade, which has been described as “the largest open-air prison” by human rights organizations (United Nations, Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International). The blockade, which has been imposed by the Israeli government through land, sea, and air has effectively deprived Palestinians of their human rights. Despite the recent catastrophic loss of life and total collapse of the healthcare system, the blockade persists, making it extremely difficult for humanitarian aid to reach Gazans in need. 


In the past, we have worked to spotlight global crises with a focus on environmental injustice. We told the story of the struggle of domestic and indigenous communities to preserve their land, health, and livelihoods in the wake of unsustainable and unethical corporate practices. The plight of Palestinians is no different. 


In truth, all pursuits for freedom, justice, and equality are materially connected and require us to struggle against state violence, colonialism, and capitalism. We believe that the struggle for a sustainable planet is inextricably tied to the freedom of all oppressed and colonized peoples, from Palestine to the Congo, from Kashmir to China, and from Puerto Rico to Peru. 


At She’s Thinking, we believe in the power of dialogue and understanding and have built our very platform to offset misinformation about science and medicine. While we celebrate this new chapter for our podcast, our hearts are with all oppressed people suffering, directly and indirectly. As we navigate this transition, we remain committed to providing a platform that respects diverse perspectives and fosters meaningful conversations. We're dedicated to creating content that promotes understanding and unity, even in the face of divisiveness and misinformation.


Your support means everything to us, and we're grateful for your continued engagement and encouragement. Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or thoughts to share during this time of change and reflection. Together, let's navigate these changes while remaining compassionate, and most importantly, in touch with our common humanity. 


From our hearts to yours,


She’s Thinking Podcast Team


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